Drape 'Evensongs' ep free on bandcamp
A beautiful ep released by Drape a few weeks ago. Streams free and d/l is free too (or name your own price). Highly recommended. Their new LP & CD is forthcoming in the next few months on Infraction as well.
A beautiful ep released by Drape a few weeks ago. Streams free and d/l is free too (or name your own price). Highly recommended. Their new LP & CD is forthcoming in the next few months on Infraction as well.
I complimented Josef on his recent Infraction-heavy show Seance and he wrote to let me know he had another one from June that also featured an all Infraction line-up...I'm listening now : http://radar.lv/node/2302
Features Minadeo/Brown, Concert Silence, Willamette, Eluder, Keith Berry and Koda...and still free stream and download.
I love Norman Records. Straight opinions, no filler and so when glowing reviews come along from them it is a high recommendation. http://www.normanrecords.com/records/142370-fibreforms-treedrums
Been slugging it out with an old html site for years. I know.